Let's Talk About "Advanced Level"
This topic seems to pop out quite frequently lately in my field so it’s a good moment to share a bit more about it. To me, advanced level in dancing carries many layers.
Self healing
Yesterday i woke up with my right hand wrist in high level of pain with 30% of functional usage. It would hurt in certain spots when touched or bent, and spasm contractions when pushing or squeezing anything with my fingers.
8 Social Dance Rules
Dear gentleman, when inviting a lady for a dance, please observe first does she looks interested at all to dance in that moment. One of many examples is when the lady might be in the middle of a conversation with someone else, which might not be the best moment to interrupt that, especially if you don't know that person well.
6 Misconceptions About Kizomba
Often i hear people using the term "Traditional Kizomba" or even just "traditional". So to correct this confusion, there is no prefix for this word, and i believe your desire like mine is to have proper correct information about something you learn and love.
To Frame or Not To Frame
The frame is also called an "embrace" (beautiful word isn't it) Not many places in your life you can actually meet someone for the first time, hold each other close inside your embraces for so long, feel the heart beats, and move as one in harmony.
Know Your WHY
The reason i never gave up on following my dreams even tho there were millions of internal and external reasons often telling me to do so, is because i always knew my WHY.